Zinzan Deans-Emery - Rangatahi Referee, Māori Touch National Tournament 2022

Busy Summer for Zinzan Deans-Emery

Congratulations to Zinzan Deans-Emery who was selected as 'Rangatahi Referee' at the Māori Touch National tournament that took place in Rotorua in late December 2022.  This was an open tournament meaning that the majority of competitors were a lot older than Zinzan.  More than 60 referees were involved with the tournament. 

Zinzan has also been selected by NZQA to help provide a student perspective on the NCEA qualification as part of the me te Whānau initiative. Zinzan applied in late 2022 and was the only Year 12 student selected into the group. He attended his first hui in late January and is looking forward to making a valuable contribution to NZQAs work.

Zinzan Deans-Emery - Rangatahi Referee, Māori Touch National Tournament 2022