Relay for Life 2021 by PNBHS

Relay for Life 2021

It was once again a privilege to be able to support the invaluable work of the Cancer Society in our local community.

A PNBHS team comprising some 70 young men slogged it out around the track for 24 hours fundraising for the Cancer Society.  Thanks to the Prefects who coordinated the fundraising efforts, in particular, the sausage sizzle barbeques in the weeks leading up to the relay and the gold coin collection in the days before it took place.  Thank you to the Mad Butcher Palmerston North for their support of our fundraising, which will make a significant difference to the amount that can be donated to the Cancer Society.

Well done also to the many young men who worked to gain sponsorship and donations from friends, family and others in the community.  To date, $6,500 has been raised with the final figure to be calculated once the last couple of sponsorship forms and money have been returned.

Over the 24 hours it was great to see the many people from our wider school community who called in to talk to the boys and offer their support.  It was also great to be able to hear the PNBHS Stage Band perform on the Saturday afternoon.

Prefect Corey Stewart provided this report: The Relay for Life was a big success this year as we had over 100 participants take part. The boys each took turns running around the track with our baton over a 24 hour time period. It was great to see so many of our young men giving up their time for such a great cause. I’m sure all of the boys had a great time and got to know some other students they may not have met before. I hope the boys that did come down learnt something about teamwork and communication throughout the relay. The Palmy Boys team won the event by 100 laps, racking up almost 800 laps. All of the money raised will go towards the Cancer Society and all the work they do.

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