PNBHS Weekly Update
Term 3, Week 4: Monday 10 August - Sunday 16 August
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Tuesday, August 11 - 5.30pm in the PNBHS Library
Check out this short video clip showing school life at Palmy Boys.
The number of young men competing in table tennis continues to be strong with 15 PNBHS teams entered in the Manawatū secondary school's competition for 2020.
As parents we know how busy day to day life is, so wanted to advise all parents of the following options, saving you time coming to the uniform shop after work or in your lunch breaks.
As term three progresses young men are increasingly required to begin thinking about their plans for 2021.
Please see the attachment below.
The annual school concert is a fantastic opportunity to see a diverse range of school music and cultural groups performing.
Thank you to Year 11 student Cameron Baker who presented this week's book review at assembly.
As young men finish each book during the year, they should talk to their English teacher or one of the librarians to have it recorded. Books you have already read can be added to your reading total retrospectively.
In our role as Guidance Counsellors we are responding to an increasing number of young men who are experiencing anxiety. This has been a trend nationally in recent years.
Please check the update from the Child Adolescent Oral Health Service in the attached document from MidCentral Health.
Following a COVID-19 enforced delay to their programme the first rehearsal for the Year Nine Concert Band was held last week.
You can now download our Palmy Boys’ App for iOS and Android devices.
Term 3, Week 4: August 10 - August 16
Thank you for your generous support of our young men.
Advice for you to support your son's career exploration and decision making.
We encourage all young men studying NCEA Level Three subjects to consider sitting scholarship assessments.
A reminder that our enrolment process for 2021 Year 9 students has moved online.
Are you looking for a great gift for family and friends?
Some rights reserved Palmerston North Boys’ High School , 2024