Prebbleton School Newsletter No.12 2022
Kim Alexander
Congratulations to these outstanding students, who recently received a Principal's Award at our Zoom Assembly!
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Two farewells and one welcome return for Term 3
Pip Macdonald
As quoted by Jojo Jensen, “without enough sleep, we all become tall two-year-olds.” Your emotional and mental health is connected to how much sleep you get and the quality of that sleep.
Sarah Kelso
He toka tū moana. As durable as a rock pounded by the surf (Resilience).
Here are some of the events happening soon.
Alli Williams
Hannah Thomas
Updates from our awesome Parent Teacher Association.
Please vote now!
Tegan Thornley
Ceri kindly provided discounted flu jabs to the staff to help keep us all healthy this winter.
A change to mask-wearing requirements next week.
Week 2 Term 3: Year 6 Camp and Year 5 Commonwealth Games study.
Liz Lapthorne
Kia ora, whānau
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