Hero photograph
PSS CE Peter Wards, Chairman Tim Loan, Family Works Director Judith McInerney and Family Works Family/Whānau Worker Sue McAnelly, at the PSS AGM. 
Photo by PSS

Sharing Personal Journey leads to Extra Mile Award


One Family/Whānau Worker has received an Extra Mile Award, for bravely sharing her story of transitioning from Family Works client to staff member. 

In the late 1990s, a young Sue McAnelly – mother of six children and working fulltime – approached Family Works (then known as the Child and Family Support Service) for support.

She could never imagine that, just years later, she would be working for the agency as a Family/Whānau Worker, FDR Mediator and facilitator of the Circle of Security Parenting Programme; supporting families just as she had been supported.

It’s a story of change and one of courage, tenacity and inspiration. Sue has now shared that story nationally, through a video created by Family Works New Zealand, to show others what is possible.

“Sharing my story was about giving people hope that they can make a better life for themselves and for their children,” she said.
“It was quite a process for me. I have come so far and I’m a professional person now. I didn’t want to see myself – or show myself as – so vulnerable. But it was done in such a safe way. When I saw the video I cried. It was very, very hard for me but it also brought a bit of closure, and celebration.”

In recognition of Sue sharing her story, she was presented with an Extra Mile Award at PSS’s Annual General Meeting.

PSS Chairman Tim Loan said the award recognised Sue’s courageousness in sharing her personal journey.

“By doing this Sue has helped others to relate to the services that Family Works provides,” he said.

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