Hero photograph
Carol Brown
Photo by PSS

Getting to Know You


Meet… Carol Brown

Role with PSS: Programme Support Administrator

Started: I started 16 years ago as a receptionist in the Child and Family Service. Since then I have worked as Programme Support Administrator, gained my Child Protection Studies Diploma, was the Buddy Programme Facilitator and Coordinator, and now I’m back to Programme Support.

Overview of role:

I offer support around programmes; transporting clients, typing up work from sessions, preparing programme material … I am also the ‘go to’ person for telephone and computer faults, train new staff on our systems, manage the filing system and I am the food parcel co-ordinator at Christmas.

What’s the number one thing you love most about your job?

The people (staff). I have a lot of respect for the work they do for others. I love organising social outings for staff, to enable them to relax and have some sort of an ‘out’ from social work, administration and the huge responsibility of supporting people in the community.

What do you enjoy outside of work?

I enjoy being with my family, spending time with my five beautiful granddaughters. I play a bit of golf and enjoy the comradeship. I love a good get together with my husband and friends – the recipe for a good party is Good Music and Good Food and the rest takes care of itself. I love to bake and share it with friends.

What’s the one thing you can’t live without?

There isn’t one thing, but I don’t take life for granted as I have experienced the odd setback in my time. This makes me grateful for my family, my playing golf, my job and I just love life!!