Hero photograph
New managers at Enliven homes; Carol Riddle (Vickery Court), Hayley Gould (Walmsley House) and Lynda Cammell (Peacehaven Village)
Photo by PSS

Meet our new Managers


There are new managers at three Enliven homes. 

Hayley Gould

Walmsley House Manager

After four years working in Australia, Hayley has come home to Southland to join the team at Walmsley House. Hayley worked at Peacehaven Village for a year in 2000 and has since worked in community health, Maori and Aboriginal health, medical and in palliative care.

What is the best part of your role as manager?

The residents. Talking to the residents about their lives and their histories.

What makes Walmsley House special?

It’s such a homely environment. You walk in the door and it has that warm, homely feeling.

Tell us something interesting about yourself

I just love being with my family and my grandchildren – we have four grandchildren, who are what brought us home to Southland, and we just love spending time with them.

CLICK HERE to find out more about Walmsley House

Lynda Cammell

Peacehaven Village Manager

With a career spanning 32 years, and including hospital-based and medical nursing as well as district nursing and management roles, Lynda (previously manager at Vickery Court) has taken the reins at Peacehaven Village.

What is the best part of your role as manager?

Mingling with the residents and joining in with the activities – I just love that. It’s so important for me to be involved and get to know our residents.

What makes Peacehaven Village special?

It just feels like family, it’s got that lovely feeling about it. I love that we have the cottage residents as well, who get so involved in everything; there are always people coming and going.

Tell us something interesting about yourself

I don’t have any children of my own, but I do have two step-daughters I’ve been with since they were little, so they are mine really! We have four grandchildren who we just love, but they are all in Australia.

CLICK HERE to find out more about Peacehaven Village

Carol Riddle

Vickery Court Manager

From enrolled nursing in a dementia unit, to working as an assessor for carers, to becoming a registered nurse and then clinical manager, Carol’s career to date reflects an impressive array of experience. She took on the role as Vickery Court Manager in late 2016.

What is the best part of your role as manager?  

Having the autonomy to make this place the best place it can be.

What makes Vickery Court special? 

It’s definitely the residents, the families and the team – those three combined.

Tell us something interesting about yourself

I make a great curry!

CLICK HERE to find out more about Vickery Court