Summer Sunglasses by

Health & Safety Update

The December focus is “Summer Daze”; remember the reason for the season, take care and keep yourself safe over this Christmas and New Year period.

Be Sun Smart recommends we protect our skin and eyes from damaging UV radiation – especially when outdoors from September to April.

As we age (no matter what our age) our skin changes and is always susceptible to sun damage. When we are younger some of us get very sunburnt, which can lead to skin issues later in life.

The old Slip Slop and Slap jingle is still relevant; however it has grown into Slip on a shirt; Slip in to the shade, Slop on sunscreen, Slap on a hat and Wrap on sunglasses.

There is now a smartphone App for summer sun protection available, showing the current UV index throughout the day and location you choose – the uv2Day App can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store.

You can also look on This site not only has that information but a heap of other information, so check it out.

Lost Time At Work

New Zealand loses on average 6.1 to 6.7 million workdays annually due to absence (information collected over the last 5 years) and the average for each individual is 4.5 to 5 days per year. The primary cause for absence in the workplace is non-work related injury or illness.