Hero photograph
The Henry Blackett Building - Rangiora Borough School
Photo by Peter Courtney

Collaboration in Action

Peter Courtney —

Teachers from across the Puketeraki Kāhui Ako had the opportunity to visit various collaborative spaces to experience collaborative practice in action. The kaupapa of the walkthroughs was to share the best of what is in our kāhui ako.

On Monday, the 10th of June, the first two groups met at Swanannoa School and Rangiora Borough School. After an initial discussion with the principal the groups split up to go look at various spaces. 

At Swanannoa the groups went through senior student space, where students were beginning learning around the story of humanity, through the use of provocations. In the junior students learning space, students were excitedly learning through hands on activities. Groups also got to spend more time with the leadership team, where they were able to delve into the philosophy of the school and how collaboration was set up and supported. 

At Rangiora Borough School groups spent time in the bilingual unit - Ngā Rākau e Rua and then walked through the new learning space. Groups were able to talk to kaiako about how the use of the space has developed and how teachers collaborate in teams.

In the afternoon teachers met at Fernside School to unpack what they had discovered and how the best of what is can be disseminated out through our kāhui ako. 

The same model was used on Thursday, the 13th, with groups of teachers going out to Loburn School and Southbrook School. At Loburn teachers were able to see an whole school collaborative project on World War One and the museum created out of their learning. At Southbrook teachers were able to wander around the whole school to see various spaces and talk to students about their learning. 

On the 24th of June, teachers came together again in a workshop lead by Core Education, with the focus of creating a Puketeraki Knowledge Bank on collaborative practice. The focus then changed to the direction of PD in the future, using the identified collaborative strengths of our  kāhui ako.