Across Schools Teacher - Paula McDonald
Tēnā Koutou katoa
Ko Maungatiri te maunga
Ko Waimakariri te awa
Ko McDonald tōku hapū
Ko Scottish toku iwi
Ko warren toku Papa ko Paula toku mama
No Ōtautahi ahau
Engari e noho ana ahau i Rangiora inaianei
He kaiako ahau i te kura tuarua O Rangiora
He Kaiako matua hoki i te Kāhui Ako o Puketeraki
Ko Paula McDonald toku ingoa
Kia Ora.
I am Paula McDonald and I am a teacher and Head of Faculty - Business at Rangiora High School. I have been teaching over 23 years, and my teaching career has centred around sharing my love of Commerce and Business with the students at Rangiora High School.
This year I am working within the Kahui Ako at Rangiora High School focussing on both Positive Behaviour for Learning and also working with our Kia Eke Panuku team on Cultural Responsive and Relational Pedagogy.
I have lived in the Canterbury area my entire life, and moved to North Canterbury post-earthquakes in 2013.
I am excited to work with teachers for the benefit of our tamariki within our Kahui Ako..
Nga mihi nui.