Puketeraki Circle Time - Session 3
A huge thank you to our hosts, Rangiora Borough, and to the 12 Circle Time Champions who were able to make it to another fantastic session of sharing and laughter. Our focus this term was on sharing favourite warm up and closing games used in Circle Time and sharing a recent Circle Time lesson. We always start sharing what is going well and then trouble shoot any problems. Very encouraging that our list of what is going well now far outweighs the problems. Our group is so supportive that one member even sang the whole song she does with her class and is going to record it for us all. We also have a Shared Google space where we are sharing all useful Circle time resources as well as planned Circle Time lessons and games. If you want to know more about Circle Time there are now some very confident classroom practitioners in your schools so please ask them to share their expertise. Sue Mills and Silvia Magerl RTLB