Hero photograph
Photo by Andrew Kemp

Broomfield School Creativity!

Andrew Kemp —

Broomfield School has experienced a fun and exciting period of learning during Term 3!

At the beginning of this term, our spectacular and majestic old oak tree planted by a past Prime Minister: G.W.Forbes, turned 100 years old. Broomfield School invited a number of dignitaries including our local MP’s, The Hurunui Mayor, Deputy Mayor and members of the Forbes family to attend a tree planting ceremony celebrating both 100 years of peace since the 'Great War' and the planting of the original oak. Two of our junior students who are descendants of G.W. Forbes were aided by our ‘EnviroSchool’ leaders in the planting of an oak sapling. This full-school ceremony including waiata & karakia was a great way to kick-start a fantastic term of learning at Broomfield School for Term 3.

Our senior class Nikau have been involved in a technology focus on film-making with our two local Leading Innovative Future Focused Technologies (LIFFT) connection schools: Leithfield and Amberley. The Film Festival involved collaboration between students from all 3 schools to complete a set brief surrounding the making of film. This concluded with a Celebration of Learning ‘Premiere Red Carpet’ evening held at our local community hall: The Tin Shed. We have some very skilled and enthusiastic actors and film-makers among our senior students!

Our Year 4-8 students are all currently enjoying the opportunity to hone their skills and compete in the wide-range of athletic events on offer. Early next term, they will be competing in a local ‘Small Schools Athletics’ event held at Waipara which they are all looking forward to.

In our junior class, the children have been learning about ‘People Who Help Us’. This has involved a number of parents, local community groups and volunteers who help us, taking the time to share what they do and how they do it. It has been a very successful and high-interest topic for our juniors and evolved later in the term into exploring the occupations of our parents. The make-up and face painting led by one of our mum’s an ex-Weta Workshop artist was a particular high-light! At Broomfield School, we value: ‘CREATIVITY’.

Our school choir have been practising regularly in readiness for the ‘Lions Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival’. We look forward to joining them for the evening performance in Term 4.

One of our young leaders organised a very successful event for Daffodil Day. He planned and ran a fantastic fundraising campaign that raised more than $2000 for the Cancer Society. He completed his event with both himself and a peers head being shaved totally bald.

To conclude, we are finally gaining traction in beautifying our school through our ‘Enviroschools’ lens. Though in the formative stages, both committed staff and students are working collaboratively to achieve a common and aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Enjoy the quality time with your family this holiday period.