Hero photograph
Photo by Julie Walls

Term 1 @ Southbrook School

Julie Walls —

As Term 1 comes to a end, we have worked hard across our school, establishing powerful and positive relationships with our tamariki and whānau. Through our whānau meetings, Seesaw and Wellbeing programmes we have built strong connections between home and school.

Our Southbrook School staff found value in the opportunity to Connect and Communicate during the variety of Network workshops on the 5 March. Staff are excited to have this opportunity each term, and believe it will add value to their programmes here at school and as educators.

Four of our staff have been involved with the Transitions PLD and two of our staff are looking forward to being involved in the Collaboration PLD.

Our ‘within school’ teacher has been working alongside our staff to create maths rubrics for all Mathematical areas. We believe that this will benefit our tamariki and their learning throughout their time at school.