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by Paula McDonald

PB4L - It works!

Paula McDonald - November 25, 2019

Our final network meeting was held on Tuesday 19th November at Rangiora High School

Our final hui of the year saw kaiako from across our Kahui Ako gather together to share their schools journey in PB4L in 2019.

Thank you to each school who presented their PB4L Journey in a Shared Google Slide in the 2019 year. By sharing their values, their successes and their next steps it has given our Kahui Ako an overall picture of where ‘PB4L is at in our Kahui Ako’.

It was fabulous to see the commonality in our shared values across the Kahui Ako - our Menti of shared values can be pictured: ‘Respect’ was a very common thread amongst our kura. It was interesting that the ‘language’ of this value is different in different kura, however this common thread was important to see. Hearing the successes of PB4L was amazing, and there are now new schools coming officially on board with PB4L in 2020 - this means that 16 our kura will now be involved in PB4L.

Thanks to all those who attended and shared their ideas! It has been great to hear the wonderful mahi happening in our Kahui Ako around Positive Behaviour for learning.

Paula McDonald

Kahui Ako - Across School Leader