Lead Principal - Brian Price
Kia ora koutou,
Just a quick update to let you know who the new lead for Puketeraki Kāhui ako is!
Tenā koe I’m Brian Price currently the Tumuaki of Swannanoa School where I have been the last 6 years. Previously I was principal at Breens Intermediate School where I led the then Hereora Cluster involving Burnside High School and a number of local primary schools. After the Christchurch earthquakes we welcomed Bishopdale Preschool onto our site which then became permanent and as such I have a great partnership with ECE.
Previously I have worked in the North Canterbury area as principal at Hanmer Springs and within the Kāhui I have worked as principal at Cust and relieving principal at North Loburn.
I am connected across a number of schools and have had my own children and grandchildren attend Rangiora High School, Leithfield, Cust, Ashley, Southbrook, Ashgrove and Rangiora Borough Schools.
I have a great belief in the power of collaboration and that every school needs to be the best it can be. We have such talent, experience and drive throughout our Kāhui and the more we can work together, support each other, share our successes and collective experience the more we will all benefit.
I am really excited about the mahi ahead of us and I know we will communicate, collaborate and create to the next level in the years ahead.
Have a great break everyone and I look forward to being your Kāhui lead principal next year.
Brain Price.