Hero photograph
Mark Abraham
Photo by Puketeraki

Across Schools Teacher - Mark Abraham

Mark Abraham —

Ko Ngāi Tūhoe me Ngā Rauru ōku iwi

Ko Mataatua me Aotea ōku waka

Ko Tūhoe Pōtiki te tangata i te taha kui

Ko Rauru kī Tahi te tangata i te taha koroua

Ko Mark Abraham ahau

Moumou kai, moumou taonga, moumou tāngata ki te pō!

Tēnei te mihi kau ana ki a koutou te whānau whānui o Puketeraki.

I was born, raised and schooled in Rangiora. I began my teaching career in 2007 at Katikati Primary after studying through Bethlehem Tertiary Institute. Upon returning to North Canterbury from the Bay of Plenty after 18 years the changes and progress were evident in the people, community and education. I am currently teaching Yr 6 -8 ākonga within the bilingual unit "Ngā Rākau e Rua" at Rangiora Borough School. Bilingual and bicultural education is my passion where I desire to see it thrive within our Kāhui Ako.