Sue James Puketeraki Across School Teacher
Kia ora, Ko Sue James tōku ingoa - Junior Team Leader at Ōhoka School teaching Year 1/2.
My Across School inquiry is titled
What does effective transition to school look like in the Puketeraki Kāhui Ako?
These are the questions I am seeking to answer
How are relationships fostered?
How do children and whanau feel about and during the transition process?
How do schools value the learning each child brings to school?
What systems and processes support effective transition?
How do ECE support the transition process?
How do Primary Schools support the transition process?
Te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere; te manu e kai ana i e mātauranga nōna te ao.
The bird who partakes of the miro berry owns the forest; the bird who partakes of education owns the world.
About me:
I am passionate about Netball umpiring. No longer actively umpiring I now coach both umpires and umpire coaches across the Netball Mainland Zone. I also enjoy reading, gardening, walking and mountain biking.