Hero photograph
Photo by Sue Elley

He waka eke noa - we're all in this togther

Sue Elley —

We are facing challenging times and the most important thing we can do is to support each other, our children and our community.

In the midst of all the current uncertainty and concern around COVID-19 some things are  certain and within our control - to be kind to each other,  look for ways to help each other through this and above all to reassure our children that we can take care of them. Our children are watching, and listening to how the adults around them are responding.  They will take their lead from us.  It is our role to protect and wrap our arms around them so they feel safe.  How do we do this when we are worried, anxious and tired. 

During, and after the earthquakes,and again after the terrorist event of last year, we found the strength to come together and find a way through the dark times.   We have done it before and we can do it again.   This time, although we need to remain physically distant, we can still support each other socially.  Reach out to each other by phone, text, email, social media, and smile, even from a distance.   Being kind to others enhances our own well-being which enables us to be calm and present for our children. 

Help our children by limiting what they hear or see through the media, or when we are discussing our concerns.   Find some time each day to do something relaxing or fun with your children - play a game, read a story, do a job together or just chat.   Keep to your home routines so life seems as normal as possible. Explain changes eg. postponement of their out-of-school activities, matter-of-factually and build hope by talking about being able to resume these activities in the future.   

This year at Belfast School we have introduced the Virtues Project as part of our positive behaviour for learning  framework.  Understanding virtues helps shape us into positive, forward-looking and confident people.  A very relevant virtue for the current situation is HOPE.  Hope gives us courage to move forward, to be optimistic in the face of adversity and to persevere through hard times.   Being hopeful of better times coming will give us, and especially our children, the strength to get through the difficult times we find ourselves in now and over the next weeks. 

The Virtues Project has apps for both Apple and Android phones.  Look for the Icons pictured below. 

Kia kaha - stay strong. 

Sue Elley

Principal - Tumuaki