Pūtahi Belfast School Board
The members of the Board at Pūtahi Belfast school are as follows.
Jonathan Brooks - Presiding Member
Richard Fearn - Vice Chairperson
Curtis Mitchell - Treasurer
Antonio Filimoehala - Parent Trustee
Farah Deeba - Parent Trustee
Jo Johnstone - Principal
Jacqui Page - Staff Elected Representative
Pūtahi Belfast School Board
The board governs the school and is responsible for the school performance, and ensuring that all legal requirements are met, which includes:- accountability for student achievement outcomes for all students- setting the vision for the school through the Charter and Strategic Goals- ensuring the school complies with legal and policy requirements the board and the principal form the leadership team, each with clearly defined roles. The board is the employer of all staff, including the principal.
Parents, caregivers and people from the wider community can be nominated for election to a school board every 3 years. The Presiding Member is elected from these representatives. The Principal and a staff elected trustee are members of the board.
The board meets twice a term in the Boardroom at the Senior Campus. These meetings are open to the public and you are welcome to attend as an observer. As the meeting is not a public meeting observers do not have speaking rights.
The policies are guiding principles, statements of intent and the rules and boundaries that provide direction for the board and principal to work within. Currently our policies are hosted by Schooldocs. Copyright: "Except where stated, the content on the Schooldocs site is the copyright of SchoolDocs Limited. It may not be reproduced without written permission from SchoolDocs Limited".
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Useful Links:
* Community Conduct Expectations
* Concerns or Complaints Process
For more information on the Board: