Hero photograph
Photo by Sue Elley

Pedestrian Access to School - please check before the start of Term 4

Sue Elley —

The pedestrian access from the crossing is open with fencing to guide everyone through to the centre of the school grounds

For the next 12-18 months we will be working with changed access to and around the school grounds with our build programme commencing over the Term 3 holidays.   Safe walkways have been planned with the construction firm and the Ministry of Education.    

Hann Construction has begun work to demolish the hall. Fencing around the construction zone and walkways is now in place.  The attached photos show the adapted walkway for everyone entering from the Main North Road gate.  

There will be increased traffic through the school driveway with contractors on site.   Delivery of materials and equipment will be scheduled for outside school hours as much as possible however there will be times when this is unavoidable.  To keep safe please do not enter the school through the driveway especially if walking.  Car parking adjacent to Sheldon Park is accessible through March Place then follow the path to the school grounds. Parking on the school grounds is for emergencies only ie. picking up a child from the sick bay.

We will be working with all students to get used to moving safely around the school during the construction period.   If your child uses the Main North Road pedestrian gate please show them the photos of the changed layout before the beginning of the term.