Hero photograph
Photo by Sue Elley

Operating at Alert Level 2

Sue Elley —

Following the Prime Minister's announcement on Sunday night, Belfast School will be implementing Alert Level 2 public health requirements from Monday 15 February.

Tena koutou katoa / Hello Parents and Caregivers

The move to Alert Level 2 is expected to be for the next three days, with the government providing updates daily. We will be maintaining the Alert Level 2 requirements for the next three days until advised otherwise. These requirements worked very successfully last time and we are confident in our ability to keep your children, and our staff safe. Please refer to the guidelines emailed to parents / caregivers if you need clarification.

The most important change is how morning drop-offs and end of day pick-ups will operate.

  • Staff will be on duty at the main drop off zones before and after school. The poster above shows where these are.
  • Parents / caregivers must farewell and collect children at these zones during Alert Level 2.
  • If there are special circumstances that require you to bring your child on-site, please talk to the staff member on duty at the gate.
  • You can communicate with your child's teacher via email during the time you are not able to come on site.

The Ministry of Education has provided the following information: Schools are open to everyone, and all children must attend.
At Alert Level 2 the disease is contained but there is still risk of community transmission. It is safe for children and staff to attend school and for school hostels to be operating as there will be appropriate measures in place, including for children and staff vulnerable to severe illness.

Schools are not classified as gatherings and a range of events and activities can go ahead.
For most day to day activities at schools, the rules for gatherings do not apply. Schools are exempted from physical distancing requirements when people are there to receive, provide, or support education services.
However as soon as an event or activity brings people onsite who are not there for education purposes, including students, parents and caregivers, then the rules for gatherings do apply. This would include performances such as school plays, cultural events and sporting activities.Sick people must stay at home.They should seek medical advice if they have COVID-like symptoms and get tested if advised to do so. If that person displays relevant symptoms of COVID-19, tests positive for COVID-19, or has been in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19, they must self-isolate.

Fundamental public health measures continue to apply at every alert level:

  • Physical distancing (not touching and not breathing on each other at Alert Level 2)
  • Hand hygiene
  • Cough and sneeze etiquette
  • Regularly cleaning and disinfecting high touch surfaces.

It will be natural for some children to feel anxious or worried about these changes. The best reassurance you can give your children is that school is a safe place and the changes we are making are to make sure everyone stays safe. Previous articles on this site,  posted last year during the various alert levels, provide ideas on how to reassure your children. If you are concerned about their wellbeing and would like to have more support please email your child's teacher and we can make a referral to one of our wellbeing support experts.
We will keep you up to date with any changes to the public health requirements as they relate to Belfast School.
Noho ora mai - take good care of yourselves.

 Sue Elley

Principal - Tumuaki
Belfast School