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Queen Charlotte College

by Hana Wilson

Principals Comment - Betty Whyte

Betty Whyte - August 15, 2023

Wow, we are halfway through term 3 already! After a brief taste of winter and some dustings of snow, it is really feeling more like spring today.

Wow, we are halfway through term 3 already. After a brief taste of winter and some dustings of snow, it is really feeling more like spring today. Things are starting to get really busy around the school. 

Property updates - Next week the safety gates will start going up around the school so contractors are able to start the demolition process. There will be a copy of the red zone and new Emergency exit route in this newsletter Link to the article here. We will have a much reduced court area for student use at intervals and lunchtimes but we have developed plans to move student activity more to the western side of the school and to use the tennis court area and fields when they are dry. All student car parking will need to be on the roadside. The staff parking area will be removed from our use. Staff will use the pool car park and there will be some car park spaces kept for visitors up in the bus pullover bay at the front of the school. 

We have most of the foundation work done for the installation of the Building Academy shed up by the pine trees. This is a very large container shed where the students will begin to build our first house for Kāinga Ora. Thanks to Crafar and Crouch for generously supporting this project.

Congratulations to the many Y10 students that have passed the Common Assessment Literacy and Numeracy exams, they now have the 10 credits needed in Literacy and/or Numeracy so next year will only need to concentrate on getting 60 credits hopefully endorsed at Excellence. These Y10 students were our first run through the Common Assessment task completed online some time ago. We have just received their results today and are very happy with the success rate. The teachers will now look to see if any other students have reached the standard to be able to attempt these exams later this year.

Well done to the Girls Rugby team who won a tight semi-final against Motueka and now go through to compete in the final this weekend against Nayland College. We wish them all the best.

The QCC Board of Trustees has recently undergone training and has spent some time on developing the new QCC Strategic plan. The idea of this is to set the direction for the school priorities for the next two years. This will be put in draft and will be available for community and whānau consultation shortly before finalising it.

Thank you to all the caregivers that attended MAP appointments. It was good to see you around and I trust it was a helpful meeting. Your support in these school events is always beneficial to your child and for feedback to the school.

Betty Whyte, 

Confident, Connected Lifelong learners prepared for the future and achieving your personal best while respecting yourself others and the environment.