Hero photograph
Photo by Hana Wilson

My Covid Experience - Anna Colman

Anna Colman —

I write you this newsletter update from my bed. Covid has made it into my body - so I am currently on day four of my seven-day isolation.

Kia ora koutou whānau,

I write you this newsletter update from my bed. Covid has made it into my body - so I am currently on day four of my seven-day isolation. I had felt a little heady on Friday and then I was quite sore all over Saturday night - however our football game that day had been particularly hard, so I had put the aches and pains down to that! Then on Sunday things seemed much the same, so I did a RAT test - negative! Throughout the next few hours, however, I became aware two of my son’s friends had tested positive, and still didn’t feel right. So it shouldn’t have been much of a surprise that when I tested again late afternoon that the RAT test revealed two lines - not one - positive!

It was a weird feeling seeing the two lines - as a million things go through your head at once, who have I been around? Will my family also have it? Better ring the boss! What will the next seven days be like? Deep breaths - you will be fine. Right ring my husband, tell my son, ring boss, ring mum, and check the pantry!

When I spoke with my husband he encouraged me to do another test, as sometimes it can be a false positive - oh yes good idea, why didn’t I think of that! So I did, but two lines again. Many of you would have also had Covid and can relate to this feeling when the reality sinks in that you are now one of the statistics, particularly once you update your MOH app and get the resulting text messages and health advice. But - many of you also, just like I had been prior, are probably also thinking you are one of the lucky ones who have dodged the “Rona”, have strong mighty immune systems, and follow all the health guidelines, it won’t get me!

So here I am day four and it is starting to feel a little like that early nineties film - Groundhog Day.

Physically I have had body pain, sweats, headaches, itchy dry throat, and runny eyes, (I’m painting a lovely picture I know). Telling myself how lucky I am not to have vomiting, heart palpitations, or in need of an ambulance. The daily statistics still don’t read nicely - and the reality is loved ones are still passing away. The full impact of this pandemic is hard to think about. I am trying to keep on top of my work emails, and the reality of life as a teacher is even if you are sick you need to write the relief lessons for classes missed - and if in senior management there are still extra responsibilities that need to carry on. Luckily I can do a lot via my laptop.

My husband and son are home also as household contacts and are testing negatives so far. My dog won’t come near me! (I will remember this Danny Bhoy, your loyalty swings apparently) Yesterday's highlight was the shopping dropped at the door by my mum including a care package of treats - and also the lovely neighbours dropping off a bag of treats (shout out to the Hillgroves!) The sun is shining, but I have no energy to sit in it. It is just me in my confined space thinking of life out on the other side of isolation and getting my energy back. Dread the thought that I might be a long covid statistic also.

So.. the point to my covid brain fog woffle is, that everyone’s situation is different, and everyone’s reactions, thoughts, beliefs, and experiences to this pandemic are different. I seriously thought I wouldn’t get it now that we are in an orange setting, things were improving, and life was getting a little bit more pre-covid normal right? But the reality of this week was it is still a thing, and it is in our community, lurking.

So…. Take care of yourself and your whānau, and check in on your neighbours. By the time you read this I am hopefully back at work and able to leave my house.

Part 2 - My son tested positive in the afternoon after I wrote this article, he is doing fine but is now in isolation till Wednesday, surprisingly somehow my husband has managed this time to come through without infection. I got out of isolation yesterday and back to work tomorrow - it felt so good to be able to leave the house!