Hero photograph
Photo by Executive Secretary - Sharon

Introducing....Jay Cooper

Jo Lyons —

Jay Cooper was first voted onto the Board in June 2019 and was re-elected in September 2022 as Deputy Chair.

Tēnā koutou e te whanau Queens, He uri tēnei nō Ngāpuhi, Ngati Raukawa, Waikato-Tainui Ko Ngati Hine, Ngati Hurī ngā hapu Ko te Nōta taku ukaipō, engari, e noho ana mātou ko tōku whanau ki Ōtepoti. Ko Jay Cooper tōku ingoa.

Work for my husband, in management with the Ministry of Education, prompted our move to Dunedin five years ago, from a very long stint in Australia (20+ years). Our four girls, Maisy, Ruby, Tallulah and Olive are Māori-Uruguyan-Australian hybrids and were very fortunate to be schooled here at Queen's over that time. They've enjoyed learning more of their Māori culture and had so many opportunities and experiences through school.

I currently work at Mercy Hospital as a Kaiwhakahaere/Team Lead-Administrator managing private practice for a suite of consultants. In our spare time, life seemingly revolves around our pooch 'Hazo' and you'll find us most weekends at the farmers' markets, strolling the coastline or on a bush walk with him in tow.

Being the only non-past pupil, apart from the boys, on the board this year has been so inspiring. Especially to see the 'old girls' living out the mantra 'once a Queen's girl, always a Queen's girl'. We are so privileged to have a community of people passionate about empowering our girls in their education and their lives beyond school. I love Queen's commitment to diversity and inclusion especially in the kaupapa Māori and Pasifika space. Koina, ko au tēnā!