Hero photograph
Photo by Executive Secretary - Sharon

Queen’s Alphabet Mafia

Kit Speigel —

Hello everybody, my name is Kit and I run the Queen’s Alphabet Mafia. As you all know, today is pink shirt day, both of which I am here to talk about.

For those of you who don't know, pink shirt day is about working together to stop bullying by celebrating diversity and promoting kindness and inclusiveness, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, religion, or cultural background. Pink shirt day started in Canada in 2007 when two students took a stand against homophobic bullying after a new student was harassed for wearing pink. Here in Aotearoa, we have been celebrating Pink Shirt Day since 2009 and the campaign grows stronger and larger every year.

In January of last year, a survey was conducted concerning bullying in the education systems around Aotearoa. It found that we have some of the highest bullying stats in the world. Those students who are disabled, from a disadvantaged background or identify within the LGBTQ+, especially trans students, are more likely to be subjected to bullying in the form of exclusions and being made fun of. The survey also found that bullying appears to become less and less as students get older. So even though it may not occur in most of the year groups here at school, all of us, especially senior students, should be keeping an eye out for the juniors.

Since pink shirt day is also associated with queer pride, I would also like to remind students and teachers to use inclusive language when possible. This can be a little confusing since Queen’s is a single-sex school, but that doesn’t mean that all of us are girls. I know it may seem easier to refer to everyone as girls or ladies. However, there can be complications such as parents or simply liking the school despite it being a single-sex school. However, I think it would be a great idea to start addressing groups as “students” rather than “girls” or “ladies”. And since Queen’s is actually already pretty good at acknowledging and including queer representation, this is a good point to continue.

Like I said earlier, I also run the Queen’s Alphabet Mafia, which is a Queer straight alliance. It is held in B5 on Tuesday at lunchtime, so basically you show up. I and a few others are there, and we just have our lunch and talk about random stuff. It is intended to be a completely safe space where you can talk about anything. If you prefer to talk online, or aren’t available on a Tuesday, we also have a discord server that you can join and talk there. You can email me for the link, or you can email Miss Beck, our counsellor, and she can forward you to me. We are actually currently working with Mr. Clark on making a 4-square court with a queer pride theme, and we would love some more people who would be willing to do things like email companies about paint, or people who might want to be involved with the actual painting of the court. Again, if you're interested, email me or Mr Clark.

Thank you.

Kit Speigel