Hero photograph
Photo by ODT

Principal's Address

Barbara Agnew —

Kia ora koutou katoa

The Otago Daily Times Class Act Award ceremony is just one of the events that has been cancelled due to being in Alert Level 2. This award ceremony is usually attended by the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, where she would present each recipient with their award. I wish to acknowledge the achievement of our two recipients, Abby Cooper and Abby McMullan, whose outstanding leadership, academic, sporting and cultural achievements made them highly deserving of this prestigious award.

Our Careers and Option evening was also cancelled. Usually we would invite ex-girls to share their journey since leaving school. It is always so interesting to hear the diversity of occupations and management roles they have taken up. Over the past few years the overarching message has been to encourage the girls to seek out opportunities and be open to new learning as it is an ever-changing job market. That each student working hard to obtain the best educational outcomes they can, is the starting point for widening their career options. If you would like to meet with a member of staff to discuss subject choices please ring or email the school. 

This week I was fortunate to watch our Football team compete here in Dunedin for Tournament Week. The team played with enthusiasm, skill and great team work. Well done to all the players and their coach, Mrs Abbott, on the two games that I watched, both games won by Queen’s 4-2. The Netball team travelled to Invercargill for three days of competition but unfortunately had to return home early due to team illness.

We await the next announcement on Alert Levels and after that we will make any decisions relating to events scheduled between now and the end of the Term. Any changes will be communicated to students and whānau as quickly as possible. I thank you for your patience and understanding over this uncertain time.

Barbara Agnew
