Lesley Signal-Cambridge — Jun 3, 2021

Thankfulness Week NZ is during 14-20 June 2021 in the darkest coldest week of the year and our goal is to reach as many Kiwi’s as possible with the message that thinking of three things every day that you are thankful for is great for your mental healthiness.

The Thankfulness Project is a non-profit Kiwi born initiative with the goal of increasing mental healthiness in New Zealand and we plan to do this over Thankfulness Week by raising awareness of thankfulness and sharing resources to help people incorporate a habit of thankfulness into their daily routines.

This year, the Queen’s High School Interact Club is promoting thankfulness in the school.

Here are some resources families may find useful and interesting.

Five days of Thankfulness - 5 free, short sessions on Thankfulness for great Mental healthiness


Support to start a Thankfulness habit -


Make a video and submit it -


Thanks for reading this!

The Interact Club