Hero photograph
Enviroschools Hui Bike Workshop
Photo by Queen's High School

Enviroschools Leaders Hui

Matthew Sherborne —

On Wednesday 13th February three Queen’s students (Jessica Gill, Hannah Hopkins and Sophie Smith) attended the Enviroschools Leaders Hui.

 We spent the morning at the public art gallery participating in activities while working with other schools and learning about projects they have been working on. The main focus of the day was based on community involvement.  It was great to hear from some amazing speakers about how we can get involved in our communities. In the afternoon we visited the Valley Community Workspace in North East Valley where we learnt about the amazing work they do in their bike workshop. We also learnt how to change a flat tyre. The day was very successful and influential, we gained lots of new ideas towards getting Queen’s Envirogroup more involved in the community. Our next project is helping out at the ‘Our Seas Our Future’ beach clean up on Saturday March 2nd .