Executive Secretary - Sharon/Jo — Jul 29, 2021

The South Dunedin Community Network are holing a Community Hui for anyone and everyone who work, live or play in South Dunedin. The theme for this hui is Playgrounds and Water.  As well as sharing a free meal, we will be collecting everyone's ideas for a total redesign of the Bathgate Park Playground (which already has some DCC funding to be designed and initial improvements made!) and we will be having a community conversation about the history South Dunedin has had with water - we have experts sharing information with us about Ground Water and Geological History of South Dunedin, DCC Drainage and Infrastructure and the risk of flooding, climate change and extreme weather events. We hope the information we learn on the evening may help us as a community to look forward to the opportunities that might be out there when it comes to any solutions. It's going to be a fun night full of information that is and will continue to affect our community and having a wide range of community members participating with their ages, culture, experiences and perspectives will make a difference for all of us. Please come along and be part of the conversations starting in our community.