Hero photograph
Photo by Executive Secretary - Sharon/Jo

Teacher Only Day

Executive Secretary - Sharon —

Friday 26 August - NCEA Accord Day

On Friday 26 August staff will be undertaking training to support the implementation of changes to NCEA and the wider strengthening of the curriculum. Some NCEA changes are being piloted now by a select number of schools.  We are a pilot school for Te Ao Haka, the Māori Performing Arts Standards. All changes are to be implemented in 2024. 

This day is the second of the four Training Days that have been given to all Otago and Southland Secondary Schools by the Ministry of Education in 2022, with the others for Queen's High School being:

Term 4

Monday 21 November

Thursday 8 December

The Term 4 days may vary from other schools.

Please ensure you make alternative arrangements for your child on this day as no classes will be scheduled.