Jodie Hyatt — Jun 3, 2021

Would it be wrong of me to assume you’ve never been stressed? Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction that happens to everyone. While stress itself is not abnormal or bad, too much of it can begin to take a toll on your overall mental health and wellbeing. Today I am here to talk to you about the do’s and don’ts of stress, and the best ways of dealing with it.

Personally, I tend to be one of those people who overcommits themselves. I have found by doing this, my overall well being has decreased and I am always feeling stressed. This is a sign that stress is causing your body to burn out, which can result in you feeling constantly tired and overworked. Basically what I am trying to say is that I know trying to get involved with as much as you can sounds great, but there is a point when it becomes too much. My advice to the juniors is get to involved with everything you can. Because once you get to NCEA, it is very hard to balance school work and extracurriculars while also finding time for yourself as well. For the seniors, it’s still not too late. Just make sure you have a healthy balance of school, extra circulars, and time for yourself.

The next tip I have for avoiding stress, and I can’t stress this enough, DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! I know that English assessment may seem like it is due in 6 weeks so you don’t have to do it during this period. But then that period turns into multiple periods, and then it gets to 11pm on the due date and you have to write a whole report in one hour. Trust me I have been there. I tried writing this speech three weeks ago, but me being the indecisive libra I am, I changed the topic about five times. The main thing for avoiding procrastination is being organised. Something you could do is make a schedule of when you are going to work on each assignment and stick to it. I know it can be hard at the beginning, but once you get into a routine, your future self will be very grateful.

The final thing I am going to touch on is making time for yourself. Making time for yourself allows you to relax and give your body a break from everything that is going on in your life. It allows you time to care for yourself and your own health, rather than focusing on what is causing you to feel stressed. Research has shown that those who take time for themselves experience increased happiness and have better stress management. Exercising, spending time with loved ones and having a good laugh with your friends are three very simple ways to relieve stress. You can also try engaging in activities such as meditation, yoga and writing a journal to help clear your mind and make you feel relaxed.

I am going to finish off with a quote. Not by the legend herself, Michelle Obama but the genius himself, Albert Einstein; “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness”.