Hero photograph
Photo by Cherie Ford

Pasifika Voices Otago Speech Competition 2023

Steph Ashton —

This week five of our Queen’s students competed in the annual Pasifika Voices Otago Speech Competition Ōtepoti Dunedin.

Helylani (Lani) Luafitu, Miliame (Mili) Tudreu, and Tiana Elisara competed in the Senior section and Fern Iakopo and Tima Tudreu in the Junior section. 

Mili placed 1st and Lani placed 2nd in the Senior section.  Tima placed 1st and Fern 3rd in the Junior section.  All of our wahine spoke beautifully and shared their experiences growing up as young Pasifika women.  We are immensely proud of all of the students who competed; their stories are so important to hear. 

Here is the link to the Otago Daily Times article from Thursday: https://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/pupils-share-%E2%80%98passionate%E2%80%99-speeches

Thank you to Otago Girls' and Otago Boys' for organising and hosting. Thank you to all the whānau who came to support, ex-girls and especially to whaea Cherie and Kris White for making sure this amazing opportunity happened.  Well done!