Hero photograph
Photo by Executive Secretary - Sharon


Executive Secretary - Sharon —

Kai Pai Pies & Savouries Fundraiser - Last Day For Sales 29 May

Thank you to all who came along to the PSTA AGM recently.  The PSTA is certainly in good heart, if you would like to come and join us the meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month in the staff room at 7pm, we would love to see you there.  

The PSTA provide additional financial support to the students of Queen's High School in a wide variety of areas by fundraising and volunteering at events.

Some of this money has gone towards things like, the new school van, library books, sports uniforms, prize money for the spelling bee competition, equipment for the tech rooms, Open Night supper and a few other events that need us throughout the year.

As parents of students at the school, the PSTA provides a way we can be more involved in supporting the school and offering ideas to improve the experience of our girls! New members are always welcome.

Our latest fundraiser is selling Kai Pai Pies and Savouries.  Who doesn't need tasty pies and savouries in the freezer in winter?   Each student can sign up for their very own web page to sell these to family and friends.  

There is a $100 Hello Friday Voucher for the top individual seller

Image by: Executive Secretary - Sharon

The top selling form class will also receive a prize.  The information about how to do this was e-mailed to whānau and students.  If you would prefer just to place an order you can do that here.

We really appreciate your support.

The PSTA Committee