Hero photograph
Photo by Inside Out


Sam Montgomerie —

Year 9 students have been busy with Haiku poetry and the writing group had two members published online during lockdown.

Writing Group News

We are delighted that two members of our Queen's Writing Group have been published online during lockdown. After entering the 'Out on the Shelves' competition, Jaeda Fortuanto and Chipo Karudze have their work published on the 'Inside Out' Website. They challenged themselves to write creative pieces on the theme of embracing difference, and you can read their work attached.

9SMI English

Here are some examples of Haiku Poetry created by 9SMI.

Global pandemic

Humanity is still. Yet,

spring brings a new day.

~Jazz Evangelou 9Smi

Trapped behind thick glass

Staring into the blank world

As I call my friends

~Hannah Pearce 9Smi

Oh no, it’s lockdown

Here we go again at home

Zoom calls everyday

Level four again

Stuck at home playing Uno

Darn I lost again

~Taylor Hood 9Smi

Long lines at the shops

People rushing all around

Things selling out quick

Zoom calls every day

Homework for hours at a time

‘Shhh’, you tell your family

~Maddie Ellis 9Smi

I stare at the waves

Where I normally would be

Instead, I’m sleeping

~Sari Ayson 9Smi

I am thirteen now

I'm in my young teenage years

Wanting to have fun

~Jahliah Lousley 9Smi

Always engaging

Always connecting online

Always on facetime

~Fay O’Neill 9Smi