Barbara Agnew — May 5, 2021

Kia ora koutou katoa

We finished, what was an incredibly busy and engaging Term 1, with a special ANZAC assembly. Students were reminded of the significance of ANZAC day through the poem ‘We remember those on Anzac Day…’ by Trish Reeves. This poem was read by Mikayla Preston followed by Maia Tutbury reading the Ode to Remembrance in Te Reo and English. Molly Somerfield played the last Post following a minute’s silence.

This week we held an NCEA Information evening for students and whānau. We know that whenever we hold these events not everyone is able to attend so within this newsletter is an NCEA article that includes a link that has both the presentation from our evening and links to further NCEA information that is available online.

With many students involved in sports teams for the Winter season it is timely for us all to be reminded of what is The Queen’s Way - Respect for People, Place and Learning. That being in a team or a group comes with responsibilities. That you show respect for your teammates, for your coach, for your manager, for our school by; being on time, always give your best, play fair, be gracious winners and equally gracious in defeat and you support your team members to do the same. I look forward to seeing as many of our girls as possible in their chosen activity over the term.

Congratulations to our U15 relay team who now have the South Island title alongside their Otago title.

Students and staff have been putting in many hours for our joint Musical with King's High School.  The show has three performances and you purchase tickets online. I look forward to seeing you there.  

Ngā mihi

Barbara Agnew