Hero photograph
Photo by Executive Secretary - Sharon/Jo

Board of Trustees Student Representative Elections - Nominations open on Monday.

Executive Secretary - Sharon/Jo —

Nomination forms can be collected from the Student Office from Monday 16 August.

Students are invited to nominate themselves or others to become the student representative to the Board of Trustees. All students nominated must be aware and agree to nomination.

The Board of every school that has students Year 9 and above must include one Student Trustee.

All students enrolled full-time Year 9 and above and under 20 years are eligible to be on the electoral role, to nominate, vote and stand as a candidate in the Student Election.

Standing for election as the student representative on your school board might feel a bit daunting, but there's plenty of help and support available to you. As well as having a voice on how your school is governed, being a school board member will provide valuable knowledge and experience for your future. This is also a great leadership opportunity and term of office is for 12 months.

 Nominations close at noon on Friday 3 September 2021 and can be accompanied by a candidate statement and photograph. These can be emailed to qhs@queens.school.nz

For more information go to: www.trustee-election.co.nz or speak with your current rep Ella McDonald.