Anna France — Nov 12, 2020

A number of international studies have shown that some students suffer from a drop in their reading abilities over the summer holidays.

Because they are away from school for an extended period, they spend less time on reading and miss out on:

- access to books

 -reading practice

 -support and encouragement to read

 -role modelling from others around them

The consequences of this are cumulative and long-lasting, influencing reading scores right through high school and beyond, and can be difficult to reverse.

What can we do to help?
Over the summer holidays, the QHS Library runs a summer reading programme. Students apply to join the programme and take home a selection of books that are hand-picked with their individual interests and reading history in mind. We hope that this will give girls improved access to books that appeal specifically to them, encourage them to read more than they might have done otherwise, and help to prevent a decline in their reading ability over the summer break. The summer reading programme has an emphasis on fun, so it should not be viewed as home work – more as a way to relax and unwind after a busy year.

The role of parents and caregivers

Some of the ways that you can help at home include

- be supportive and show an interest in what your daughter is reading

- talk with her about the books she is reading

- read yourself – it could be books, magazines, the newspaper – it’s all reading!

- talk about the books that you are reading

- consider reading something that your daughter has read and enjoyed

- encourage time away from technology (computers, games, tv) to make time for reading

- visit the public library over the holidays

- watch a movie that is based on a book, then try reading the book.

We require students who wish to receive a book bag to fill in an application form and return it by Friday 20th November.  Encourage your daughter to pick a form up from the Library.  

If you have any questions or queries regarding reading or the Special Summer Book Bags programme, please contact Anna France (Librarian) at