Hero photograph
Tournament of Minds 
Photo by Anna France

Tournament of Minds

Lesley Signal-Cambridge —

This is 2020 - so, of course everything is different!

This year Queen’s had two teams entered to take part in the Tournament of Minds competition. Because of the restrictions, no-one travelled to take part in the event, and the challenge was adapted so students could complete it by video. The girls worked in their teams for six weeks to develop a response to the stated challenge, write and learn a script, make costumes and complete all the related paperwork. Both the Year 9 and the Year 10 teams developed sophisticated and interesting responses to the challenge, and completed their filming in time to submit their entries by the due date.

The girls commented on the fact that they learnt about their own strengths, how to work effectively within a team and how to adapt to, and utlilise, different people’s strengths, skills and personalities.

Judging occurred over the past weekend, and we are awaiting feedback from the judges.

Until next year!