Rahaf Almabaid — Feb 6, 2019

During the Holidays the Otago University Advanced School Sciences Academy was held for Year 13 students from around New Zealand.

I was privileged enough to attend the first week of the Science Academy (OUASSA) at Otago University which is an introduction to the world of research science through a range of many practical projects and lectures that will excite, inspire and motivate any student who has an interest in science subjects. Students from all over New Zealand gathered to take part in this learning opportunity at the University campus. The academy had a strong focus on analytical thinking, teamwork skills and the way science in the 21st Century also considers social and ethical concerns.

I had the chance to try many new things in the projects I completed. These were new skills taught by Chemistry, Computer Science and Pharmacology experts.  All participants said that they were introduced to at least one science career that they’ve never heard about as we met so many friendly scientists not only from around New Zealand but also from many countries in other parts of the world.

What I found the most interesting was finding many other students who are following the same steps as mine to reach their future career. Students at OUASSA had so many similar interests and I could easily make friends from the first day. I’m sure all of them are looking forward, just like I am, for the next camp we have again in July.