Hero photograph
Aerobics team
Photo by Helen Lowther

Aerobics Results 2019

Helen Lowther —

The Queens Aerobics team successfully competed in the final event of the year – the New Zealand Competitive Aerobics (NZCAF) Nationals Schools Championships that was held in Queenstown at the end of Term 4.

Novice competitors who entered the pre-choreographed and novice individual and team categories all represented the school well, with five out of six qualifying for finals. The finalists all gained medals.

All Junior and Senior Open individual and team category athletes also qualified for finals and received medals.

We would like to thank our coaches Annelise Lowther, Kirsty Snoep, Helen Lowther, Kristen Wingham, Kylie Johnston and student coaches Amberly Orr and Abby McMullan for their hard work, dedication and creativity that contributed to the team’s success.

NZCAF Aerobics Schools Nationals 2019 Results:

*Pre-choreographed routine individual category-

Billie Allen 2nd place.

Destiny Crawford 3rd place

Lucy Hayward Finalist

*Novice Individual

Emmy Stedman 1st place

*Junior Open Individual

Katie Child 3rd place

*Senior Open Individual

Amberly Orr 2nd place

Abby McMullan 3rd place

*Pre-choreographed team

Jess Allan-LeCocq and Lucy Hayward 3rd place

Billie Allan and Destiny Crawford 1st place

*Senior team 

QHS 2nd Place

-Katie Child

-Amberly Orr

-Abby McMullan

New Zealand Gymnastics Aerobics

Amberly Orr represented Otago at the New Zealand Gymnastics Aerobics National Championships in Auckland during the school holidays

She qualified for finals in her individual and pair category. She was placed 7th for her individual and 2nd for her pair. She also received a proficiency award.

Thank you to Queen's Aerobics coaches Anna McCaughan. Jade Fielding, and ex QHS student Olivia Burgess for their wonderful coaching of many members of the Otago team.