Jo Lyons — Mar 10, 2022

The Board use SchoolDocs as a way of managing all our policies and procedures, what this means for you as a parent is that you can access all our policies and procedures from home, and periodically throughout the year you may receive notifications asking for your feedback. It would be great if you could take a few minutes to give us your feedback as it all helps shape how we want to be as a school.

By following the link below, you can read and comment on the current policies under review:

Visit the website -

Enter the username (queens) and password (empowering).

In Term 1, the focus is on Legislation and Administration. Policies open to review are:

Legislation and Administration Policy

Student Attendance



Official Information Requests

Uniform / Dress Code

To start reviewing, click on a topic name, then click the blue 'start your review' button. If a link is inactive, our school doesn't have that topic. Select the reviewer type "Parent". Enter your name (optional). Submit your ratings and comments.

If you don't have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.