Hero photograph
Gabbi Uriaro
Photo by Queen's High School

Principal's Address

Barbara Agnew —

Kia Orana

It was great to see the many students and their whānau at parent interviews last night. I trust you had some good conversations about where your daughter is at with her learning and the next steps needed for continued progress.

Thank you to everyone who made the Open Night such a success. The students and staff worked extremely hard to ensure the evening showcased our entire school for the large number of students and whānau who attended. The feedback I received was only positive with visitors commenting on the real warmth and the genuine relationships between students and staff here at Queen’s. We know that achievement starts with girls being happy, engaged and challenged in their learning as well as feeling comfortable and valued at school. The Maanakitangi which lies at the heart of our school was clearly evident to our visitors.

If you know of any family who was unable to attend on Open Night, and they would like to look around our school, please ask them to contact the school office to book a visit.

At last week’s Board of Trustees meeting we said farewell to Scott Currie. He was thanked for his contribution to Queen’s over the past two years as a valued trustee member and for his work in coaching Volleyball. We wished him and his family a successful trip home to Canada. At the next board meeting we will formally welcome Graeme McAuley on as a trustee. Graeme has a daughter in Year 10 and has a wealth of knowledge and experience to bring to our board.

The position of student representative will be up for election in September and I encourage any student who is interested in this role to find out more about what this position involves and to put their name forward for nomination.

Given recent events it is also timely to remind everyone of the preventive measures that we all need to follow to keep ourselves well and safe.

- Wash your hands often with soap and water.

- Make sure that you dry your hands thoroughly as well.

- Cover coughs and sneezes with clean tissues or with an elbow.

- Put used tissues in the bin.

- Stay home if you are unwell.

Barbara Agnew
