Maisy's Message
Maisy Costa - April 30, 2020
During some times of worry about the circumstances we are in, I believe it is important to look after yourselves and your state of mind. Either step back from the news, call your friends, talk to your family, and remember that the school is here to support you.
Feel free to either message Sophie or I, and we’ll be more than happy to have a yarn with you!
Remember that we also need to keep ourselves mentally and physically healthy! It’s super important to stay active by just getting out of your bed for a quick walk, move your body, draw something, step away from technology if you’ve been attached to it all day, and always try and maintain a positive mindset.
With the new teaching methods and workload we are being given at the moment, we can understand that you might be struggling! It’s important to make the most of your learning opportunities and zoom classes during quarantine, but it’s more important that you’re not feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Reach out to teachers if you’re feeling overwhelmed, they are here to help you!
This time in isolation may feel like it’s just going too slow and time has just stopped, but don’t let it take over your mind and lose momentum in your life. Find a new routine that will help you stay productive, healthy and happy. Listen to the leaders of our country, be kind to your bubble, reach out if you need, I repeat we’re here to help you and listen to you! We’re all in this together girls,
Hold tight and can’t wait to see you back at school soon! :)
Aroha nui,