by Executive Secretary - Sharon

Prefect Voice - Deputy Head Girl

Barbara AgnewNovember 17, 2022

Here is Billie Allan's Speech that she shared with us on the day of the Foundation Pupils Celebration, the very same day she flew to the Czech Republic for the World Aerobics Competition.

I am not the same person as I was in Year 9. I’m not the same person I was even one minute ago, let alone a day, week, month or year.

I understand it may be hard to believe that I used to be a person who would wear bright lipsticks to every occasion, made my 100 different hairstyles my personality trait, and was obsessed with teletubbies.

But, I also understand it may be hard to believe that I used to be a person who hated public speaking, didn’t see myself worthy enough to lead a group, and was a proud people pleaser, even if my help to them was at my own expense. I avoided conflict at every cost, like if “yes” and “sorry” were a dollar each and money grew on trees, I would readily be there to give them out.

I am not the same person as who I used to be, and it sure was not an easy journey to become who I am at this moment. Although I do believe that it is important to embrace your own journey, I hope you can find comfort in knowing mine wasn’t at all perfect. And it sure wasn’t a perfect journey in figuring out what message to leave you all with this year for my prefect speech! I feel like after 5 years I could have come up with something a little sooner than last Wednesday, but my messages to you are a true recollection of what I have learnt about myself over my time here.

Let me tell you now, when people say patience is a virtue, just trust them. And it’s not just patience at the face of others, but patience within yourself that I believe is what makes or breaks you. Sometimes we simply expect too much from ourselves, at school, in sports and activities, at home or socially. I used to be someone who would stop at nothing to do everything. It’s taken me my whole life to just begin to learn that you can’t go a million miles per hour forever, and need to give your body and mind the same care that you give to others. It’s ok to have off-days, mind blanks and fragile moments, but you need to listen to your own body so you can only grow stronger. Even just this year I’ve had my own fair share of breakdowns in Ms Ashton’s office, I’ve dropped commitments and I’ve decided that the very best didn’t have to be my obligation. I didn’t do everything that I expected to do this year, but from this, I did more than I thought I could.

Now this next piece of advice is a little less dramatic than the first, but is still so important. People have asked me all year how I balance everything going on in my life, and it’s seriously caused me to stare at a blank wall and think about it for a minute. But what keeps me questioning the assumption is that I don’t feel like my life is as crazy as it seems - because it doesn’t seem hard when I am simply finding time to enjoy myself. I have many people and things in my life that I know will always boost my mood, and including these things in my every day has helped me through some of the busiest times of my life. If you know me, you know that I am a firm believer that there is never not enough time to have a laugh, and it’s the little moments like these that make the world of a difference. Find what makes you happy and always have this to look forward to, and know that these really don’t have to be crazy or extraordinary! An easy example for me personally might just be going to see my favourite assistant principal, Mrs Geddes, but of course that is still a crazy and extraordinary experience in my opinion.

Finally, find a passion for yourself. I can’t stress it enough how much I believe that everyone needs a passion outside of their school work. For some people, this is something that they commit hours to, and for others it could be something that they do for fun on the weekend. Regardless, with passion comes a new sense of purpose and can bring the challenge, opportunity and memories that you’ll keep with you forever. Today, here, marks my last ever day attending Queen’s High School, as Saige and I leave this evening to travel for my first ever Aerobics World Championships in Europe. I found this passion of mine in Year 10, and just three years later it is taking me around the world. I don’t expect your own goals and passions to jump around on stage in a sparkly leotard like mine, but my final message to leave everyone here with today is to follow them. No matter how long it takes, take the time with yourself to make sure you find what your purpose in the world is, and know that no purpose is more or less significant than another. You need to love what you do, and do what you love, to be able to become the person you never thought you could be.

Although I have changed considerably over the past five years at Queen’s, I know that the little Teletubby-obsessed Billie is still a piece of who I am now. No matter how many changes you may also go through, there is forever going to be a part of you, who you always have been. Our foundation pupils being here today is a true example of this, in that they will always be a part of this school - just as for you now, Queen's is going to be a part of you forever. Embrace this and grow from this, and enjoy the journey, even when it’s not perfect.

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