by Executive Secretary - Sharon/Jo

Principal's Welcome

Principal - Barbara AgnewNovember 16, 2021

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa. A very warm welcome to all returning students, new students, staff and their whānau, to Queen’s High School for 2022. We start the year with a mihi whakatau at 9am on Monday 31 January and everyone is welcome.

I am delighted with the number of students, from all around our city, who are choosing to come to Queen's next year.  We have a proud history of academic achievement here at Queen's and next year will be no different as we continue to support all students to strive for their personal excellence.  All girls are encouraged to believe in themselves and their ability to succeed.  We promote the achievement of excellence in a learning environment that is safe, caring and accepting of diversity. The school is committed to the development of life-long learning skills that motivate and enable all students to make a positive contribution to society.

Mereana Martin and Billie Allan, as head and deputy head girl for 2022, are both excited and privileged to be leading the student body next year.  I am looking forward to working closely with these two young women and for what they will bring to their roles.   

2022 will bring new beginnings, new challenges and new learning for us all.  I look forward to seeing you all in the new year and for your continued support.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy holiday.

Barbara Agnew


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