by Executive Secretary - Sharon


The Queen's High School Uniform is available at NZ Uniforms.


At Queen’s High School students are expected to take pride in their appearance and to wear their uniform correctly, in a manner which brings credit to themselves and the school, at all times.

Blazer - Compulsory for all students. Mid blue with school crest.

Skirt - Anderson tartan pleated kilt (below knee).

Trousers - Queen's High School regulation trousers.

Shirt - Long or short sleeve plain white shirt, with top button.

Tie - Navy blue tie.

Jersey - Woollen mid blue v-neck jersey with school crest.

Socks - Plain white ankle school socks (must cover ankles) or black knee high socks or tights.

Shoes - Black hard leather lace-up shoes (conventional school shoe style).

Jacket - Plain black waterproof jacket over blazer to be worn outdoors only.


Scarf - Black fine weave knit scarf (optional).

PE Uniform - Available at NZ Uniforms

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