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Year 7/8 Yellow Basketball Team by Rebecca Taylor

Sports & Arts @ QPS

Andy Parkinson - December 8, 2020

Check out our sports and arts information below:

I would like to acknowledge all students who have participated in both in school and out of school sports this year. 

A huge thank you to all of our parents who have coached or managed teams, you have made this happen. Thank you for your patience as we have navigated our way through this challenging year.

Please keep an eye out early in Term 1 2021 for:

-School Swimming Sports notice - Friday 19th Feb

-If you haven't already, consider signing up for the Weetbix Tryathlon. Sunday 28th feb -

-Primary Sport Canterbury Duathlon notice - Monday 22nd March

-Sign up notices for; Marching, Year 3/4 Miniball, Year 7/8 Volleyball, Year 7/8 Waterpolo

Thank you 

Stacey Hewson

School Sports Co-ordinator / Shining Lights Co-ordinator