Hero photograph
Photo by Rebecca Taylor


Philippa Cope —

See what is happening with our hardworking PTA team:

What’s coming up?

Entertainment books are on sale now. Books have been sent home with your youngest child on Thursday 9th May.

Sausage sizzle at the Junior Cross Country Friday 17th May. Parents please order your sausage with your child. (See notice below)

Quiz night - Friday 7th June 7pm in the School Hall. It’s time to get your team together and register for the Quiz.
Register your quiz team by emailing your details to queensparkschoolpta@gmail.com. $60 per team (up to 6 people)
Number of teams is limited, so get in quick. Preference will be given to registered/paid teams.
Food platters for your team are available - pre-order only (with team registration). $20.

Disco - Friday 28th June - Junior (Nest - Yr 4) 6-7pm; Senior (Yr 5-8) 7.15-8.15pm

What does your PTA fundraising money get spent on?

The Learning Teams have started spending the funding received from the PTA. The Year 2 Learning team decided to spend the PTA funding on Lego. Here are a few photos of the children making some Lego creations.

We need your help...

The PTA needs your help to ensure we can continue to hold events such as the disco and sausage sizzles. Additional help is needed on :

Friday 17th May for the Sausage sizzle in conjunction with the Junior Cross Country.

Friday 28th June for the School Disco

If you are available to help please let the office know or email queensparkschoolpta@gmail.com

Thanks to the Queenspark families for your continued support.

Queenspark School PTA