Admin Team — Mar 22, 2019

A couple of messages from your Office Team:


Thank you to the parents who have set up their Kindo accounts.  It is exciting to think you may not even have to leave home to make payments or sign permissions for activities!

*** Please note:  Please only select the activities that apply to your child. You will still get a hard copy notices from you child's class teacher on all events /activities but you now have the option to pay and give permission from being at home or work. How easy! However if the current arrangement still works for you then just keep doing that.  Either way is fine, this is just another options for those parents who work or fine it difficult to get into school.

We are slowly adding lunches to KINDO.  Sushi is up and running and we are waiting to confirm Subway and New World Bakery.  

Sushi will remain on Thursdays and is set up ready to go.  Subway will be still on Tuesdays and New World Fridays.  We will confirm when Subway and NW are up and running.  You can still order Subway in the normal way by ordering at the office on Monday mornings or placing your order direct with Subway parklands at the moment.  

Go ahead and give Sushi a try with Kindo. It is very easy.  

See the attached information on how this set up works.

Measles Update:

Please see the attached information from the CDHB on the recent measles outbreak. Please make sure you contact the school office if you received an email asking for an immunisation record or if you are unsure if you have provided a record. It is vital that school have sighted this and are holding a copy on your child's file at school. Please advise school ASAP if you suspect your child may have the measles.


Statements are due to be emailed again to you next week.  Please remember this is a guide and shows what is on your account.  Please let us know if you would like information on setting up an automatic payment system or pop in and make a payment when you can.

As usual please come in and see us if you need any information on anything at all - we are only too happy to help you  😀