Principal's note of the week
Ross Willocks - May 18, 2023
Friday 19 May 2023
Term 2 - Week 4
TÄnÄ koutou e te whÄnau
Dear Parents / Caregivers,
Rock band at assembly:
Week 4 got off to a roaring start this week with one of our Rock Bands performing at assembly much to the enjoyment of our children. New Zealand Music month has made a great start at QPS.
Cultural Zoom Lesson:
Our students completed another cultural lesson with a school in China. This week QPS connected with Chengdong NO.1 Primary School. The students worked on chinese paper cutting.
We are building great relationships with different schools in China.
Education outside the classroom:
Our collective thoughts have been with the Whangarei High School staff team and families this week with the tragic loss of life in the recent caving accident. At this week's Board of Trustee 's meeting we discussed the risk matrix procedures that we have in place at QPS for our outdoor camps, trips and activities. We also discussed the way we review these events after they take place. The tragedy in Whangarei has been a sharp reminder about the sudden weather changes we can have in our country and how this can impact on planned school events.
Pacific Language Week - Samoa 28 May - 3 June:
At this week's staff meeting Lesieli Peseta ( Kahui Ako Pacifica advisor ) worked with the staff on Pacifica greetings and on general Pacifica language skills. This was a most productive and enjoyable session. We look forward to practising these skills with our children.
2023 Colour Run Fundraiser:
We had so much fun this week competing in the 2023 Colour Run!
Thank you to our busy PTA Team for all their hard work in the background organising this event.
Thank you also to you... our fabulous community for your wonderful support. The donations came through thick and fast and we will be able to reveal the grand total to you early next week.
And lastly thank you to our awesome children for taking part so well! The smiles say it all - it was a very colourful day at QPS that's for sure!
Remember donations can still be accepted over the weekend - closes Monday lunchtime -
Fair Play Awards:
We are making these awards daily as duty teachers observe children playing fairly in the playground and setting a great example with our school values of being respectful, responsible and resolute. Ask your children about this and ask them to give you an example of how they are playing fairly at break times.
Core Values:
Our core values focus on being respectful, being responsible and being resolute. At school the children discuss with us what this looks like on a daily basis. We encourage all our parents to do the same. ie. how these values are lived out with you children at home. Thank you in anticipation here as this process keeps us all on the same page.
Fence Update:
Preparations are continuing for our new school perimeter fencing. This is being funded by the Ministry of Education. Malcolm and Celia have been preparing the garden areas in preparation for the contractors to be on site during the next few weeks.
Upcoming Parent Seminar:
Thursday 30 May, 7.00pm - 8.30pm â School Avoidance
Children and young people avoid school for lots of different reasons. This workshop is designed to build understanding around what some of these reasons might be, and to upskill the adults in the lives of children to act with competence and confidence around this behaviour. It is highly recommended that you also attend the session on anxiety as this is often a key driver of school avoidance.
Local High School Open Days:
Avonside Girls' High School
Community Open Day: Thursday 1st June 3.30 - 5.30pm
Enrolments open on Thursday 1st June
Ballot will be held 2nd August. Deadline for acceptance of places is 14th August.
AGHS Enrolment website link:
(Scroll down to Enrolment Steps and click 'Complete online enrolment form'. This link will be active on the 1st June when enrolments open)
Paper enrolment forms available also.
Shirley Boys' High School
Community Open Day: Thursday 25th May 2 - 4pm
Enrolments open on Thursday 25th May
Ballot will be held 2nd August. Deadline for acceptance of places is 14th August. SBHS online enrolment form:
Paper enrolment forms available also.
General Elections - Saturday 14 October:
Have you thought about working at the elections? You will be paid throughout your training and for the full day also. It's a great way to connect and help our community. If keen, please register online. Queenspark School Hall will be a voting venue once again this year.
What's coming up..
Monday 22nd May - Nest+1 last 2 days of swimming
Monday 22nd May - Tahuna Elliott visit the Wetlands
Tuesday 23rd May - Tahuna Mulholland visit the Wetlands
Wednesday 23rd - PTA 2nd Hand Uniform Sale 8.30-9.15am
Friday 26th May - Sausage Sizzle $2 per sausage order online via Kindo (will be live on Kindo from Sunday evening)
Friday 26th May - Junior Cross Country 11.15-12.30pm
Friday 26th May - Winter sport - YR7/8 11.30 YR5/6 1.45pm remember to bring all sports gear every Friday this term
Tuesday 30th May - Zone Cross Country @ QPS
Friday 2nd June - Teacher Only Day - school closed for instruction
Monday 5th June - King's Birthday - school closed for instruction
Monday 12th June - BOT meeting
Wednesday 21st June - Canterbury Cross Country @ NgÄ Puna Wai
Friday 23rd June - QPS Disco
Tuesday 27th June - House Competition - remember House T Shirts
Friday 30th June - Last Day of Term 2
Monday 17th July - First Day of Term 3
Pink Shirt Day:
The whole school was a sea of pink today as we took part in helping to stamp out bullying by celebrating diversity and promoting kindness and inclusion. It was a great sight to see everyone come together for this cause. Thank you to staff and children who dressed up today.
A final thought as we go into the weekend:
"The tongue has no bones but is strong enough to break a heart in an instant - so be careful with your words"
NgÄ mihi
Ross Willocks
Queenspark School - Te Hua MÄnuka